McAuliffe: Only Individuals Who Will Vote for Trump Are His Household, Campaign Employees

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Wednesday on CNN, previous Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-VA) said if the existing trajectory in ballot holds by the election in November, the only individuals who will choose President Donald Trump are his family and staff.

When inquired about former President Barack Obama campaigning for Joe Biden, McAuliffe said, “President Obama is among the most popular politicians in the nation. I put him right up there with his better half, Michelle Obama. Before the COVID crisis, he struck nearly 60%of Americans who said he was a much better president. I think it energizes folks. I think for independents, who significantly appreciated the work President Obama had done, for those independents out there, and other individuals who may have chosen Trump prior to stated ‘Oh let’s give it a shot.’ They saw what they saw with Obama and Biden and said we have to go back. So, there’s no disadvantage. I believe it just energizes folks.”

He included, “Look at the ballot today but let’s be clear the election is more than 100 days away. The trajectory that Trump is on, the only individuals supporting Donald Trump are his family and those that work on his campaign. They’re quite much the exact same individuals nowadays.

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