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Protesters in Washington, DC, teased a black policeman on Thursday evening in yet another night of demonstrations, calling him a “f ggot” and “bitch” as he calmly stood among a group of fellow officers.

” You a bitch. You a bitch,” one protester stated, pointing to a cluster of police officers in video footage recorded by Breitbart News.

The officer declined to engage, standing securely as protesters continued with their multitude of insults.

This is hardly the very first instance of activists in D.C. targeting minority officers in recent days.

On Monday night, “BHAZ” protesters mocked a black policewoman, informing her that her ancestors were distressed with her.

” Her ancestors are upset with her. … She needs to overcome the trauma that has her out here. The internalized injury,” a male protester stated as the female officer declined to engage.

Matt Perdie

Tuesday night’s protests in the nation’s capital also featured numerous instances of activists harassing of minority officers. One protester let loose a gush of curs in an upset tirade against a group of officers, calling a black officer a “bitch-ass [n-word]” and adding “keep sucking that white male’s d ck.”

Matt Perdie

In another tense scene caught by Breitbart News, a protester stared down an Asian policewoman, inches from her face, for over two minutes in an obvious effort to make her uncomfortable. The officer stood her ground and refused to give in to the protester’s efforts to intimidate her.

Matt Perdie

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